308-632-4342 [email protected]

We are happy to announce that as of today we have not had any active COVID-19 positive residents or staff on our campus.  This has been a challenge for all of us and yet, working together we have made this happen .

For some time now, we have been working on defining how our Covid-19 related restrictions at The Residency might begin to be modified as we move from our state’s Stay at Home guidelines to less restrictive Safer at Home practices.

We cannot and will not lift the restrictions on the Care Center and The Vista assisted living communities until we can meet the specific guidance on when and how that can be done safely.  But for the rest of the campus, we feel compelled to lay out a plan for our independent living residents regarding the Residency’s current state, and how we may begin to loosen restrictions over time.  To that end, we have completed our Residency Recovery Plan.  The plan incorporates suggestions as well as guidelines provided by the CDC, the state of Nebraska, and our local health department.

The goal of the plan is to provide our independent living residents with renewed access to various services and activities during the pandemic while mitigating the risks.  The three areas that create risk of exposure to COVID-19 are:

  1. Staff or vendors bringing the virus into the community
  2. Outside visitors bringing the virus into the community
  3. Residents going into the broader community and returning infected to the Residency.

Any positive cases in our facilities or surges of COVID-19 in the community will trigger tightening of restrictions, which may lead to stepping back to a more restrictive phase.

Until there is an effective vaccine or treatment, it will be critical to maintain some level of intervention to supress the spread of COVID-19 throughout the phases of recovery.  We all share the responsibility to protect ourselves and others. Residents need to:

  • Follow the activity restrictions required in each phase of the plan
  • Wear masks when required
  • Maintain six-foot physical distancing
  • Stay in their apartment if sick or with a temperature greater than 99 degrees and call their doctor.
  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

The multi-phased plan is attached.  Please take the time to read the plan and process its contents.  As stated previously, the plan refers to independent living only at this time.  After reading the plan, please direct any questions or comments to [email protected] so that we may better collect your feedback.

We are currently in Phase 2 of the Northfield Recovery Plan.  When we meet the requirements for Phase 3 we will send them out.  Until then, please stay safe.

Check out the bulletin boards located in the lobby of The Residency to find out what phase we are in.


Phase 1 – Highest level of vigilance

Medical appointments Telemedicine is encouraged.  If an outside appointment is needed, practice strict hand hygiene, masking and social distancing guidelines.
Outdoor Exercise Walking outdoors is encouraged while observing social distancing.  No group exercise.
Dining Dining room remains closed.  Meal service continues to be delivered.
Gardening Gardening is allowed with social distancing being practiced.
Visitation Visitation is generally prohibited, except for:  Compassionate care situations under limited and controlled conditions.
Library Closed
Beauty Shop Closed
New resident move ins/returning residents None at this time


Phase 2 – Initial Relaxing of Restrictions

Medical appointments Telemedicine is encouraged.  If an outside appointment is needed, practice strict hand hygiene, masking and social distancing guidelines.
Outdoor Exercise Outdoor group exercise classes with a ten person maximum participation per class.  Use social distancing.
Dining Dining room remains closed.  Meal service continues to be delivered.
Gardening Gardening is allowed with social distancing being practiced.
Visitation All visitors are screened upon entry.  Facemasks are encouraged to be worn by visitors in the building.  Patio or parking lot visits are preferred.
Library No more than 4 allowed at one time with appropriate social distancing, hand hygiene and face masks.
Beauty Shop Opened to one resident at a time.  Both the resident and the beautician
New resident move ins/returning residents New or returning residents will be self-quarantined for 14 days upon arrival at NRC.


Phase 3 – Additional Relaxing of Restrictions

Cards, Bingo, Puzzles etc.

Maximum of 8 residents at any given time.  Wash hands before and after or wear gloves.

Wear masks.  If possible sanitize game items before and after use.

Outdoor Exercise

Outdoor group exercise classes with a ten person maximum participation per class

Continue to practice social distancing.

Dining Modified communal dining will resume.  2 people per table, spaced 6 feet apart.  A limited number of residents will be allowed in the dining room at one time
Gardening Gardening is allowed with social distancing being practiced.
Visitation All visitors are screened upon entry.  Facemasks are encouraged to be worn by visitors in the building.
Services Allow entry of service providers, with screening and additional precautions including social distancing, hand hygiene, and face mask.
Social gatherings Must get approval from management.  Must comply with state mandates for number of attendees.  Distancing and masks will be required
Off-campus activities Residents are to follow strict hand hygiene, masking and social distancing rules.
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