308-632-4342 [email protected]

Phase Recovery Plan

We are happy to announce that as of today we have not had any active COVID-19 positive residents or staff on our campus.  This has been a challenge for all of us and yet, working together we have made this happen . For some time now, we have been working on defining...
Mother’s Day at NRC

Mother’s Day at NRC

We understand this is a difficult time to ask residents and families to continue to social distance with Mother’s day this weekend. Thank you for helping us keep residents and staff safe and healthy by preventing the spread of Covid-19. The effect of a virus like this...

Beauty Shop Reopening!

The beauty shop has been reopened as of today, May 4th with extra precautions being taken. The beauticians will only being working with residents, no outside clients at this time.  Stylists will be required to check their temperature twice daily.  Each...

Covid-19 Policy

Guidelines have been put in place to protect and prevent the spread of infectious disease including COVID-19 for residents and staff. PROCEDURE FOR VISITORS AND STAFF The facility will require all staff and visitors to have temperatures taken at the entryway before...